Shock-Vortex Interactions In Transonic Flow Over A Delta Wing Aircraft
The Delta wing forms a critical component in various applications involving high-speed flight over subsonic, transonic and supersonic regimes. Vortex breakdown in the delta wing is accompanied by a sudden change in the pressure distribution and has a detrimental effect on the aerodynamic characteristics, such as lift distribution and stall. In particular, transonic flow conditions in delta wings at a moderately high Angle of Attack (AoA) give rise to complex interactions between shock waves and the leading-edge vortex system. The appearance of shock waves, caused by the localised supersonic flow regions over the wing, further complicates the flow structures.
This work investigates the transonic flow over a 650 swept-back delta wing with a sharp leading edge. To study the onset of the vortex breakdown on the wing in the presence of shocks, we carried out simulations at AoA of 23.60. The high-fidelity simulations are carried out using the higher order Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Method (ELBM) for transonic flows, developed at SankhyaSutra Labs (SSL).
The computational domain used in the simulations is 15Cr x 6Cr x 6Cr, where Cr is the root chord of the wing measuring 65.364 cm. In order to reduce the computational resources needed, the simulations are performed with a symmetry boundary condition along the longitudinal plane. The no-slip boundary condition is applied over the surface of the delta wing. A Mach number of 0.85 (transonic flow) is chosen along with a Reynolds number of 6 × 106, calculated based on the mean aerodynamic chord of 43.576 cm.

One of the major challenges with existing CFD solvers is the ability to detect secondary vortex and cross flow shock over the delta wing in transonic flow conditions. Though this phenomenon is well established experimentally, capturing the same in simulations has been a challenge. The solver from SankhyaSutra Labs has not only successfully captured the pressure losses, secondary vortex structures and the presence of terminating and cross-flow shocks over the wing platform, but has also demonstrated a good match with experimental data.
Further Reading: Milind D et. al., Transonic flow over Delta Wing using Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Method, 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Science, Sweden, 2022